On Sept. 15, some of Idaho’s most noteworthy construction projects were recognized at the 16th annual Idaho Business Review Top Projects award program. Horrocks Engineers was part of three award-winning project teams: 2nd place in Transportation, Stockham & US-20B Roundabout in Rigby; 3rd place in Transportation, US-12, 18th Street to Clearwater Bridge CE&I; and the People’s Choice Award for Infrastructure/Utility, 2nd Street and Lenora Street - Phase 1B Surface Improvements.

2nd Place for Transportation: Stockham & US-20B Roundabout (Rigby)
Due to rapid growth in the area, this intersection in Rigby, Idaho, needed mobility and safety improvements that would continue to accommodate a high volume of oversized vehicles. The project was fast-tracked to meet an aggressive schedule and address safety concerns from the City of Rigby and the Idaho Transportation Department (ITD).
Horrocks provided cradle-to-grave engineering services for the development of an innovative roundabout design. Given its unusual shape, the roundabout was nicknamed “The Peanut,” and extensive coordination efforts were pursued to convey the intent of the project to the stakeholders, the public, the ITD review team, and the contractor. To accomplish this, the Horrocks team created 3D models that helped visualize the project development during the design process and translated directly into Automated Machine
Guidance (AMG) during construction. Horrocks provided the modeling, planning, and design services.

This project improved vehicle flow to businesses, while minimizing delays for through vehicles. Working alongside ITD, Horrocks aided in the successful delivery of ITD’s first roundabout.
3rd Place for Transportation: US-12, 18th Street to Clearwater Bridge CE&I
The intersection of US-12, 21st Street, East Main Street, and G Street in Lewiston, Idaho, is one of the busiest in the region and the gateway to some of the area’s largest employers. This intersection is the primary entrance to the City of Lewiston and serves as a junction between northern and southern Idaho, eastern Montana, and western Washington. More than 50,000 vehicles pass through the intersection daily, and significant delays were negatively impacting the economic vitality of Lewiston and the region. To ease congestion and address safety concerns, ITD pursued a redesign of this non-traditional intersection.
Construction staging had to be carefully planned and flawlessly executed to keep traffic flowing. Once construction began, the intersection operated more safely and with fewer delays than it had prior to construction. Due to the successful collaboration of the project team, construction was completed 1.5 months ahead of schedule.
The new intersection includes improved geometry and additional turn lanes. While the primary purpose of the US-12, 18th Street to Clearwater Bridge project was to improve traffic circulation, users will benefit from the project in many other ways. The total reduction in traffic delays for all vehicles passing through the intersection will result in an accumulated 700 hours per day. By reducing excessive queuing, the project will also significantly reduce accidents.
Horrocks provided CE&I and PI services for this $8M project.
People’s Choice Award for Infrastructure/Utility: 2nd Street and Lenora Street - Phase 1B Surface Improvements
Horrocks has provided engineering services on a number of projects for the City of McCall, Idaho. Being a popular destination, McCall’s roadways and infrastructure are well-used, and in the Downtown Core the pavement and concrete features were degraded and the pedestrian facilities inadequate for accommodating heavy seasonal use. Horrocks assisted the City in determining the best approach for revitalizing the main corridors that make up McCall’s Downtown Core.
One of the main projects included in this revitalization was 2nd Street and Lenora Street. Some of the project goals were to increase pedestrian activity, design appropriate streets for all user types, and create an original downtown atmosphere. These goals were accomplished by incorporating innovative features within the sidewalks, landscaping, lighting, and outside seating and creating event spaces. The project was met with several design challenges, mainly stemming from fitting a new design into an existing location with active businesses and having a small window for construction due to weather and high traffic during peak seasons. Overall, the project has remained on schedule and the current construction phase, which includes Park Street and Veteran’s Alley, will be completed in fall 2020.
Horrocks led the design for this urban redevelopment project that included water, sewer, storm drain, roadway, streetscape, and pedestrian facility improvements.