Horrocks’ Public Involvement (PI) team recently visited the Ronald McDonald House in Salt Lake City, serving a meal to the families staying there. Working through Ronald McDonald House Charities’ Adopt-a-Meal program, the PI team fed approximately 50 families. Their meal of choice? A taco bar.
The Ronald McDonald House in Salt Lake City (as well as other Ronald McDonald House charities) provides a place to stay for the parents and families of children undergoing treatment for a serious illness or injury. Their goal is to provide a home away from home near treatment facilities that keeps families together and eases their day-to-day burdens.
A lot of work went into providing a meal for so many, including preparing, serving, and cleaning up the meal on-site. Brittany Kidd, who participated in the event, described her experience, saying, “[We] chose this activity not only to bring us closer as a group, but also to help those in need. We wanted to make a difference and felt that this would be the best way to spend our time while team building. Seeing the strength these parents keep while having a child in the hospital is very humbling, which is why we were so happy to assist in this small way. We are so lucky to have this many people on our staff with such big hearts.”
